

SKKU News - Research

Graduate School of Water Resources holds round table on Capacity Building Program for Developing Countries 2019.01.08
  • 전략기획홍보팀
  • Views : 8898
게시글 내용

On January 4th, SKKU Graduate School of Water Resources held a round table discussion on “Capacity building program on smart water management for developing country” with 13 students soon to graduate from the first class of the “KOICA- SKKU Master’s Degree Program in Water Resources Management”. The participants of this round table were among 20 students who were selected from 11 African countries such as Nigeria, Algeria after a strict screening of experts in 2017. They will return to their countries for the last semester to finish their thesis. Students will graduate later this year when they receive the final approval of their academic advisor.

The round table was heated with the discussion on the issues of water caused by drought, flood, dam failure, climate change, etc. At the end of the debate, they have decided to submit a cooperation proposal for the “Capacity Building Program” to handle the issues raised in the round table after a close examination with the relevant organizations back in their own countries. The school will help excellent proposals to be selected as a funded program by cooperating with organizations such as KOICA and ODA.

If a subsequent program is established, it is expected to become an opportunity to see the practical effect of the “KOICA- SKKU Master’s Degree Program” as well as the overseas expansion of Korean companies in the water industry.

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