Lost Item Report
- Students must first go to Lost & Found locations and check if your their items have been found and where they are being held to retrieve item.
- If lost item is not registered at a Lost & Found location, go to the Student Support Team and submit a self-report.
Found Item Report
- If a student finds a lost item, they must turn the item to the security office of the building or Student Support Team.
- If a student does not retrieve their item even after making contact to claim ownership, the item will be disposed of at the discretion of SKKU 100 days after posting a notification for retrieval of the item on SKKU’s newspaper or notice board.
- The relevant departments (department office, Student Support Team) posts information about found items on SKKU's notice boards. If the items are not retrieved after a reasonable amount of time, the department contacts the owners individually.
Lost & Found Locations
- Security office of each building or Student Support Team
Humanities and Social Sciences Campus (1F, 600th Anniversary Hall, 02)760-1077
Natural Sciences Campus 031)290-5032