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SKKU Confucian Culture Planning Group Holds ‘2018 Gohanora’ Event on September 22nd 2018.09.27
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게시글 내용
SKKU Confucian Culture Planning Group ‘Chung Rang’ held '2018 Gohanora' event at the Gwanghwamun Square in Jongno-gu on September 22nd. This event is a type of concert which provides reinterpretation of ‘Yuso (confucianists raised an appeal to the king in the Joseon Dynasty).’ 
About 250 students from SKKU marched from Sungkyunkwan to Gwanghwamun wearing traditional Confucian costume. At the Gwanghwamun Square, at the end of the parade march, SKKU students showed flash mob to wish for success of confucianists.
Student Min Kyung OH who organized this event said, “this event is SKKU’s unique festival which was not only inherited the culture of Confucianism but also created in a new way. Chung Rang will continue our tradition of Confucian culture and build a new university culture based on this.”

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