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Alumni, Joho Architecture’s Lee Jeong-hoon 2015.04.03
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Architecture firm JOHO Architecture’s representative Lee Jeong-hoon is a lot of fun. Not only does he have a friendly appearance but he enjoys his work, designing buildings. His work incorporates thousands of iron welds and thousands of bricks to make his signiture building surface.


Graduating from Sunglyunkwan University (SKKU)’s Department of Construction  Engineering, he received a government scholarship and also studied in France. His speciality is using various materials, a traits he pick up by studying building materials and through work experience at the office of Ban Shigeru and Zaha Hadid, two of the world’s top architects.


Architecture is so slow a process that no amount of hurrying can make it go any faster. This is evident when you consider that it is a process of pilling and attaching materials one by one that make up the creation of a structure. If you can't endure the time and process, you will not become an architect or  be able to build a structure. Students or rookie architects are always told to have a farmer's mind set. More specifically, you need an unshakable posture even if the grain you sew gets swept away from the heavy rain and storm. Although this is the truth for most occupations, in architecture, it is the cardinal rule.


JOHO Architecture’s Lee Jeong-hoon, has been chosen in 2013 by Architectural Record Magazine as one of the world’s top 10 architects for the next generation. Architectural Record Magazine is a world wide influential magazine that each year selects and awards architects who lead in the field of architectural design with the Design Vanguard Award.


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