

SKKU News - University

New Student Exchange: University of Alicante (Spain) 2012.11.14
  • International Office
  • Views : 9777
게시글 내용

Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) and the University of Alicante in Catalonia, Spain have signed a student exchange agreement. SKKU students can study the Spanish or Catalan languages and take English-taught courses from the International Business Program. Naturally, students can also take regular courses taught in Catalan or Spanish.

The city of Alicante is located along the southeastern coast of Spain. The university was founded in 1979 and is well known for its outstanding research in Latin American history, Economics and translation software.

Students who want more information can find it here: http://sri.ua.es/en/movilidad/exchanges/incoming-students.html. SKKU faculty interested in faculty mobility or research collaboration should contact the SKKU International Office.

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