

SKKU News - University

SKKU & Ulm University sign student exchange agreement 2012.10.19
  • International Office
  • Views : 9552
게시글 내용

Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) and Ulm University in Germany have signed a student exchange agreement. Ulm University has programs in the natural sciences, computer science, electronics, medicine and dentistry and so this agreement is especially relevant for students at SKKU's Suwon campus.

In addition to taking courses in German, SKKU students can also study in English. Options include:
- Graduate courses (which may also be open to advanced undergraduate students) in Communications Technology, Finance, Biology, Advanced Materials, Energy Science and Molecular Medicine
- Language, Ethics and Philosophy courses
- Research internships (also for advanced students)

Interested students can find out more here: http://www.uni-ulm.de/en/international/exchange.html or contact the SKKU International Office.

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