


SKKU selected as 'core industry/university cooperation center 2014.09.15
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게시글 내용

An average of 1.4 billion won matching fund will be allocated for strengthening technology commercialization, regional industry and university collaboration

The SKKU along with Chungbuk National Univ., Chonnam National Univ., Kyunpook National Univ., Gyungsang National Univ. have been chosen to be ???Leaders in INdustry-university Cooperation(LINC)' universities that operates core regional technology innovation & Industry-university collaboration transfer centers.

The Ministry of Education announced on the 31st that out of the 13 schools that applied for the technology innovation type LINC university, a total of 5 universities, 1 for each region, were selected as the highest technology commercialization capability university, of which the SKKU was selected for the capital region university.

The selected universities takes on 2 major roles of strengthening technology commercialization and propagating LINC project results for each of their respective regions.

The ministry of education has allocated uniformly 600 million won to the core technology innovation type universities, and depending on the industry-university collaboration 550 million to 1 billion won for Industry-university collaboration transfer center

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