


Hi-Day TOUR, Cultural Experience Festival for Exchange Students 2012.09.27
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Cultural Experience Festival for Exchange Students


On 2012 September 22, the Office of International Affairs (Vice President Dr.Dong-Ok Chah) of Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) held the “HI-DAY TOUR” for inbounding visiting/exchange students of SKKU at Yongin Korean Folk Village and SKKU Natural Science Campus.

During the Hi-Day Tour where approximately 200 students was present, foreign students had the opportunity to understand Korean Culture by visiting Yongin Korean Folk Village, handcrafting pottery, and walking tightrope, etc.

After visiting Yongin Korean Folk Village, participants enjoyed a barbeque party with some events like O/X quiz, performance show with Hi-Club members (affiliated to the Office of International Affairs).


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