


SKKU Prof. Kim, Jae Yun recipient of 7th Knowledge Creation Award 2015.10.22
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The Korean government announced the recipients for this year’s ‘Knowledge Creation Award'. Established in 2009 the award is to recognize and congratulate Korean scientists who have made international contributions to the field of science.


On Oct. 10, Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning held ‘The 7th Knowledge Creation Awards’ ceremony at The K Hotel in Seoul, hosted by Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information(KISTI), and announced the 10 recipients for this year.


The Knowledge Creation Award differs from existing selection methods using  recommendations of specialist and related authorities, by implemented a selection process based on a metrical information analysis technique to measure the researcher’s academic achievements, which increases the fairness & objectivity of the award.

More specifically utilizing the most renown world science technology citation database ‘SCIE’ and ‘SCOPUS’ on a every other year basis, it extracts the highly cited papers (HCP) that come into the top 1% in the world in citation numbers over the last decade, and, amongst them, select the 10 leading scientists based on the level of their academic contribution.


Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) Department of Chemical Engineering Prof. Kim Jae Yun is an authority in multi-functional nano-particles, polymer hydrogels and more, that utilizes nano-bionic materials for drug & cell delivery resistance treatment. Through his recent achievements in the development of “3D Vaccine Delivery System” which enables the treatment of cancer and other infectious diseases to cured through simple needle injection, doing away with complicated surgical procedures, he received world acclaim by publishing his findings in the 2015 journal of Nature Biotechnology as its’ cover publication. Also he has been very active in this  field research with 58 papers SCIE journals published.



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