


SKKU business start-up initiative ‘Kickstart SKKU’ 2015.07.27
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Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU)’s start-up education center announced last June that they have successfully conducted it’s ‘3rd Kickstart SKKU’ event with the  student start-up clubs in SKKU and in the near by universities participating.


Modeled after the US company, Adobe’s entrepreneurship program, ‘Kickstart SKKU’ marked its 3rd event this year, and is gaining recognition through it’s adoption by major universities around the country such as Seoul National Science & Technology University and others. The success of the program lies in the fact that it not only provides individual training but also establishes an infra-structure. 


Kickstart SKKU has put together an infra-structure where major companies and startups along with administrators of international organizations come together so student start-up clubs can create a sustainable entrepreneur network. Especially people were surprised when Kickstart SKKU and other related programs like Kickstart Junior became a destinations for Harvard Kennedy School’s Korea visit.
“Kickstart SKKU started out as a way to meet the need of students who were vaguely apprehensive as well as curious of creating a start-up, and now it is a passionate arena for developing great numbers of business models.” Um Su-jung section team leader for the SKKU LINC start-up education center explained.


Results from ‘Kickstart SKKU’ can be found in the instances of the ‘Green-light’ team that commercialized the JTBC program 'Witch Hunt' greenlight prop, and the annual turn out of teams entering international start-up contests like MIT GSW, London Unbound Digital and others. The turnover rate from start-up clubs  that completed the Kickstart program to actual start-ups is at an amazing 54%.


General manager Park Tae-jae of Paradigm Ventures, that runs the program, explained their success saying “Having a infra-structure that creates a sustainable entrepeneur network, and not just a one-time training opportunity is its’ strength.”  The semesterly conducted Kiskstart SKKU is planning on becoming a model example for university entrepreneurship establishing infra-structure through cooperative ties with top universities abroad and by producing teams to enter various international start-up contests.


< The 3rd Kickstart SKKU event >





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