


MBA of Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) Becomes Legend, …‘0.5% of The World’ 2013.02.28
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MBA of Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) Becomes Legend, …‘0.5%  of The World’

First Domestic MBA Ranked in World’s Top 50’s…

Pil Hwa Yoo, Dean of Graduate School of Business in Sungkyunkwan University (SKK GSB)


“The secret is ‘Globalria’”


All MBA in the world pay sharp attention to ‘Global MBA Ranking’ annually announced by Financial Times (FT) in the United Kingdom. Because even putting school’s name on the ‘Global MBA Ranking’ published by FT is regarded as the school’s honor.

An extraordinary event took place in ‘Global MBA Ranking 2013’ announced last month. Graduate School of Business in Sungkyunkwan University (SKK GSB), which opened in 2004 was ranked 51th this year. It is the first time that domestic business graduate school reached the world’s top 50’s rank in the FT evaluation.
Considering the fact that there are over 8000 business graduate schools in the world, it is astonishing for a school that only opened 9 years ago to enter the top 0.5% of the world ranking. Among domestic graduate schools of business, it is definitely no.1 and in Asia, it is no.9, following the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and CEIBS in China. President Jun Young Kim of Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), explained “The driving force behind this fruitful outcome was the thorough strategy for internationalization along with the goal to become a small but strong business graduate school.”

Pil Hwa Yoo, Dean of SKK Graduate School of Business since, also stressed out the importance of internationalization throughout the interview. He said “Currently it is meaningless to distinguish domestic and overseas market.” and he used the word ‘Globalria’. He has had a leading role in signing agreements with top business schools of United Stated such as Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Northwestern University, Columbia University, Dartmouth College, and University of Michigan and so on. 

Strategy of SKK GSB for internationalization is clear in the organization of professors and enrolled students. Half of 120 SKK GSB professors are from the United States, United Kingdom, India, and Turkey. About half of 120 enrolled students are international students. Number of nationalities of the 400 SKK GSB Alumni (including those who are expected to graduate in February 2013) is over 40.


Students who are studying in GSB include managers, chefs, and curators, etc. Pil Hwa Yoo, Dean of SKK Graduate School of Business, said “Knowledge that you learn during the class is important, but it is more important that students teach and learn from each other.” Also, “Students can learn more from each other when the group consists of people of diverse nationalities, careers, and age.” 

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