


‘The Central Asia SungKyun Korean Essay Competition’ Held on Oct 25 2012.10.30
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‘The Central Asia SungKyun Korean Essay Competition’ Held on Oct 25

- The 4th ‘Central Asia Sungkyun Korean Essay Competition’ Held on October 25 (Thur) in Tashkent (Uzbekistan)
- 80 participants from 36 universities in 4 countries

Winner receives full tuition scholarship for Graduate School of SungKyunKwan University
SungKyunKwan University (SKKU, President Jun Young Kim) held the ‘Central Asia SungKyun Korean Essay Contest’ on 2012 October 25 (Thur) 10:00 pm (local time).

As the ‘Central Asia Sungkyun Korean Essay Contest’ is being held for the fourth consecutive year, it is gaining much attention with over 80 students participating coming from 36 universities within 4 Central Asia countries; Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tadjikistan. The purpose of this contest is to promote the university, strengthen global network, and recruit outstanding foreign students from Central Asia. The participants, who are mostly Korean major students from various universities, showed off their writing skills on the proposed subject for 2 hours.

The winners of the contest (1st, 2nd, 3rd prize winners) will receive full tuition exemption for 2 years when they start studying at the graduate school of SKKU. Currently, there are 2 previous winners of the contest, Sinirina and Memetoba who are studying for their master’s and doctor’s degree. Meanwhile the first prize winner of the 1st contest, Ms Aidalova Aigerim (from Kazakhstan) got her master’s degree in political diplomacy at the Graduate School of SKKU and is currently working as a diplomat for the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Korea.

This contest has become the biggest Korean event in the Central Asia region. In the previous year, the former Minister of Education of Uzbekistan, the Korean Ambassador to Uzbekistan, President of Sejong Korean School, President of the Korean Association, and Director of the Korean Education Center participated in the event by presenting a theme and holding the award ceremony.

The participating universities are as follows:

◇ Uzbekistan: The University of World Economy and Diplomacy, Tashkent State Pedagogical University name after Nizamiy, Uzbek State World Languages University, Samarkand State University institute of Foreign Language, Bukhara State University, National University of Uzbekistan-Tashkent, Andijion State University, Fergana State university, Tashkent University of Architecture and Construction, Singapore Management University-branch school, First Tashkent State Medical Institute, Estern University Tashkent, Tashkent University of Information Technologies

◇ Kazakhstan: Kazakh University of International Relations & World Languages (named after Ablai-khan), Kazakh National University (named after Al-Fara

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