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[General] 2015 Winter Semester Course Schedule 최종 수정일 : 2015.11.24
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게시글 내용
1. Purpose
a. To secure the continuity of learning during vacation and inspire students’ academic willingness
b. To expand opportunities to take a double major and earn credits to graduate
2. Operation
a.  Available to: All attending students and temporary-leaving students in 2015 Fall 
 About courses of work experience, students who will graduate in Feb 2016 are not available because the credits of work experience are admitted in following semester 

 ※ For leave of absence students, regardless of whether you have earned the credits needed for graduation in the break semesters, it is obligatory for you to register the following normal-semester; also break semester registration for leave of absence students is allowed ‘only 2 times’ during a student’s study duration(Academic Affairs Team-1160, 2014.04.16.)

b. Offered Courses
 -  Suitable courses among 2015 curriculum that are short-term intense education 
 - Liberal Arts and basic courses, ‘Basic Natural Sciences(BSM)’ are given in English(same with regular semester)
  - Work-Experience classes during season
  - Major courses are established, only given by full-time faculties
 ※ Courses based on the principle of running by English such as BSM, are established with English (same with regular semester)

c.  Credits: Maximum 6 credits (but, within 9 credits including Summer, Winer, ISS in total)

d.  Tuition fee
  - For class: 91,000 won (per credit)
  - For lecturer: 64,500 won (per hour)

e. Caution
 - After the period of tuition payment(1st, 2nd) ends, all the course list of those, who do not pay the tuition fee, will be deleted(when students, who registered in the 1st round, did not pay for their tuition during the 1st payment period, their course list will be deleted) 
 - After the semester starts, course change and cancellation are not permitted
 - Tuition exemption of students in special talents(natural sciences) and North Korean defector(Saeteomin) is maintained(Academic Affairs Team-923, 2009.05.28)
 - Those who do not do course evaluation, are available to see their score and raise an objection after the course evaluation on Jan 13th(Wed)

*** For scheduling and more information please refer to the attachment ***
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