


LG Innotek Vietnamese employee recruitment 최종 수정일 : 2016.06.23
  • 김다은
게시글 내용
<LG Innotek Vietnamese employee recruitment>

○ Position : Translator and Interpreter : Korean & Vietnamese

○ Required Qualifications :
- Ability to speak and write both Korean and Vietnamese fluently.

○ Main Responsibilities:
- To translate documents and reports related to office responsibilities.
- To interpret both languages, as stated above, in office meetings, video
conferences or company related affairs.
(HR, Finance, Planning, Supply chain management, General affaris etc)

○ Recruiting and Interview Process:
- Submit resume with qualifications to iandlord@lginnotek.com
- Upon review of resume a 1:1 interview will be scheduled.
- Selected interviewees will be notified after the interview process.
* All potential interviewees are required to follow LG Innotek’s regulations
and working conditions.

○ Contact : iandlord@lginnotek.com
이전글 2017년 법학전문대학원 입학을 위한 LEET 논술대비 특강
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