


[일반] 김용균(William Y. Kim) 롭스앤그레이 서울 파트너 변호사 <법률가의 역할과 책임> 특강 안내 최종 수정일 : 2016.04.29
  • 전략기획홍보팀
게시글 내용
김용균(William Y. Kim) 롭스앤그레이 서울 파트너 변호사 <법률가의 역할과 책임> 특강 안내

4월 29일에 열리는 김용균 롭스앤그레이 서울 파트너 변호사님의 특강을 아래와 같이 안내하오니 많은 관심 부탁드립니다.


1. 일 시 : 4월 29일 15:00-16:50

2. 장 소 : 법학관 지하 1층 모의법정

3. 강의주제 : “Korean lawyers - Present and Future”
* 강의는 영어로 진행됩니다.

4. 연 사 : 김용균(William Y. Kim) 롭스앤그레이 서울 파트너 변호사

◆ 학력

MBA (marketing and finance), The University of Michigan, 1987 

JD, Georgetown University, 1983 

BS (biology), The Catholic University of America, 1979 
◆ 경력

 William Kim is a partner in the corporate department of Ropes & Gray, chairs the firm’s Korea practice, and is a member of the firm’s office managing partners committee. He also co-chairs the firm’s international practice group. Bill is the first foreign lawyer to be registered in Korea to practice as “foreign legal consultant” and heads our firm’s Seoul office 

Bill also represents many technology-oriented Korean clients in technology transfers and complex licensing arrangements. In patent litigation cases, he has represented many of the largest companies in Korea, including LG Electronics, Hyundai Motor, Kia Motor, Hyundai Heavy Industries and other Korea-based multinational conglomerates. Bill also oversees complex business litigation, antitrust, mediation and arbitration cases as they relate to Korean clients.  

From 1993 to 1997, Bill served as general counsel and managing director of the Daewoo Group of Companies in its Chairman's Office in Seoul Korea and, in that capacity, participated in numerous projects, transactions and cases around the world.

From 2008 to 2013, Bill served on the Board of Directors of one of the world’s largest display manufacturers and was a member of its Audit and Remuneration Committees. As a member of these committees, Bill took an active part in the development and implementation of various compliance programs for the company, including antitrust, U.S. Federal Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), anti-bribery, unfair competition, unlawful discrimination and sexual harassment.

* 롭스앤그레이 서울 사무소는 2012년 한국 최초로 법무부 설립인가와 대한변호사협회 사무소 등록을 마친 “제1호 외국법자문법률사무소”입니다. 
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