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  • Cheaper and Easier Synthesis of Drugs that are Widely Used in Anticancer & Antibiotics Medicines

    Pharmacy KIM, IN SU Prof.

    Cheaper and Easier Synthesis of Drugs that are Widely Used in Anticancer & Antibiotics Medicines

    A research result on cheaper and easier synthesis of main ingredients for drugs that are widely used in the manufacturing of anticancer medicines and antibiotics has been released. On Sep 6, Sungkyunkwan University announced that the research team of prof. In Su KIM from the School of Pharmacy has discovered a cheaper and easier method for producing pyridine and quinoline compounds, which are considered to be the all-round multifunctional medicines, by using a new reaction process. So far, Wittig reaction that was developed in 1952 by Prof. WITTIG was widely used in synthesizing of organic chemistry or drug manufacturing field, but it was only limited for generation of the carbon-carbon double bond through reaction with carbonyl, and it had relatively lower chemical reactivity and required a complex process that goes through a number of steps. Although there is a different method using expensive transitional metals such as palladium or rhodium, it is inefficient because an additional process is required for removing metals. The newly developed ‘Selective Alkylation of Pyridine and Quinoline’ by the research team uses direct alkylation reaction of the carbon-hydrogen bond present in pyridine and quinoline, instead of the traditional double bond formation reaction. The alkylation reaction breaking the carbon-hydrogen bond within a molecule allows easier and simpler synthesis of compounds that are used in various drugs, and this research result is a discovery of new reactivity by improving the existing problems of Wittig reagent. According to the research team, this new technique uses a principle of natural reaction between two substances, which are oxygen and phosphorous. It is done by applying Wittig reagent to the oxygen-injected pyridine or quinoline and controlling the reaction conditions including temperature and concentration to draw out the optimized reaction so that the oxygen from the pyridine or quinoline reacts well with phosphorus present in the Wittig reagent. As a research result that can suggest a new guideline to drug synthesis process, this discovery is published on the September issue of Angewandte Chemie (IF = 12.102), which is a world-class academic journal in the chemistry field. This research was conducted through the supports of Basic Research Laboratory (BRL) offered by the Ministry of Science and ICT and the National Research Foundation of Korea.

    • No. 94
    • 2018-11-23
    • 2859
  • Development of a Degradation-Regulatable Architechtured Implantable Macroporous Scaffold: Dr-AIMS

    SKKU Advanced Institute of Nano Technology LIM, YONGTAIK Prof. ·Researcher Ren Long

    Development of a Degradation-Regulatable Architechtured Implantable Macroporous Scaffold: Dr-AIMS

    Professor Yong Taik LIM`s group from SKKU Advanced Institute of Nanotechnology(SAINT) of Sungkyunkwan University has developed a degradation-regulatable architechtured implantable macroporous scaffold (Dr-AIMS) for spatiotemporal controlling immunosuppressive factors in tumor microenvironment, resulting in an enhanced efficiency for combination cancer immunotherapy. The Dr-AIMS was fabricated based on hyaluronic acid, the intrinsically existing biopolymer in human, with the ability to regulate the degradation kinetics for varied applications. With scaffold implantation after surgery, the immunosuppressive cells (MDSC: Myeloid-derived suppressor cells; TAM: Tumor-associated macrophages) related with tumor recurrence and metastasis can be controlled and the ability of DCs and T cells can be revigorated with reduced side effects of chemodrugs and immune checkpoint antibodies. By this approach, the drawbacks of i.v. injection, including low targeting efficacy and varied side effects, could be addressed. Further, it can be developed as an on-demand drug delivery system based on the analysis of tumor tissues. Published article: L. Ren, and Y. T. Lim, ‘Degradation-regulatable Architectured Implantable Macroporous Scaffold for the Spatiotemporal Modulation of Immunosuppressive Microenvironment and Enhanced Combination Cancer Immunotherapy’, Advanced Functional Materials, 201804490 (2018) .

    • No. 93
    • 2018-11-14
    • 3026
  • Study on Dirac Electrons in a Dodecagonal Graphene Quasicrystal

    Physics AHN, JOUNGREAL Prof. ·Dr. AHN, Sung Jun

    Study on Dirac Electrons in a Dodecagonal Graphene Quasicrystal

    Quasicrystal is an unusual structure of solid that was first experimentally observed in the 1980s by Nobel Laureate Dan Shechtman. In a typical solid, the constituent elements are arranged with a certain periodicity called a lattice structure, and in this case, it has both translational and rotational symmetry. However, quasicrystals have a distinct structure with only rotational symmetry, and have fractal structure with self-similarity. In addition, there have been many theoretical and experimental studies on the interaction between two graphene layers, but unusual physical phenomena such as Mott insulator and superconducting phenomenon have been reported in the academic community until recently. We have recently published a study on two-dimensional quasicrystal using two graphene layers in accordance with these research trends. In this study, instead of stacking of separated two graphene layers, two-dimensional graphene quasicrystals could be synthesized by epitaxially growing two graphene layers having a rotation angle of 30 degrees. Then we first discovered a special quasicrystal with Dirac Fermions. The synthesized graphene quasicrystals were confirmed to have 12-fold symmetry and fractal structure which are not seen in general crystal structure as shown in the attached figure. It is expected that the physics in 4-dimensional space represented by 4D quantum Hall effect can be observed through this two-dimensional graphene quasicrystal. This research was published in Science on August 24, 2018 and was selected as a cover paper. Science 24 Aug 2018: Vol. 361, Issue 6404, pp. 782-786 DOI: 10.1126/science.aar8412

    • No. 92
    • 2018-10-30
    • 3371
  • Elucidation of Wnt Signaling Mechanism

    Pharmacy CHUNG, KA YOUNG Prof. ·Hee Ryung KIM, Ph.D. student

    Elucidation of Wnt Signaling Mechanism

    □ Professor Ka Young Chung's group (Hee Ryung Kim: Ph.D. student, co-first author, Global Ph.D. Fellowship) from School of pharmacy of Sungkyunkwan University (President Kyu Sang Chung) elucidated the mechanism of Wnt signaling in collaboration with the groups of Professor Hee-Jung Choi from Department of Life Sciences, Seoul National University and Professor Chaok Seok from Department of Chemistry, Seoul National University. □ Wnt signaling is an important signaling in which a type of hormone called Wnt controls embryo development, cancer and tissue regeneration in humans. Precise understanding of Wnt signaling will contribute to anti-cancer drug development significantly. □ Wnt signaling acts via Frizzled receptor, a type of GPCR family. GPCR families control various physiological functions such as vision, olfactory, cardiovascular and neuronal regulation, immune system and metabolism. Currently, 40% of commercialized drugs target GPCRs. Due to its importance, the scientists studying GPCR mechanism have been awarded with 1971 Nobel Prize in Physiology, 1994 Nobel Prize in Physiology and 2012 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. □ Frizzled receptor has not been elucidated much compared to other GPCR families despite its pathological importance. □ This research elucidated the mechanism of complex formation between Frizzled receptor and hormone Wnt and their downstream signaling by a combination of various methods such as structural analysis mass spectrometry computational modeling and cell biology studies (Figure).

    • No. 91
    • 2018-10-16
    • 3192
  • Discovery of a Novel Host Material to Obtain Highly Efficient Upconversion Luminescence at a Single-band Wavelength

    Chemical Engineering KIM, DONG HWAN Prof.

    Discovery of a Novel Host Material to Obtain Highly Efficient Upconversion Luminescence at a Single-band Wavelength

    Lanthanide trivalent ions (Ln3+) embedded in an inorganic host solid are capable of “upconversion”, which is the fascinating ability to convert multiple low-energy photons into a higher-energy photon. Upconversion luminescence suggests the promise of Ln3+-doped materials in emerging novel applications, such as energy harvesting for solar cells or deep tissue optogenetics. However, it has been difficult to further improve the upconversion efficiency because the upconversion efficiency and the upconversion emission spectrum are determined by the complex interaction between the host material and the lanthanide ion at an atomic level. Prof. Dong Hwan KIM, a professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering of SKKU, has developed the novel host material that does not have a short-range order (1st coordination order) by liquefying and quenching the host material using a laser, to maximize the host interactions, thus, realizing highly efficient upconversion luminescence at a single-band wavelength. The results of this study are significant not only in scientific fields but also in real world applications because the intrinsic limitations of the conventional host materials are overcome. This new material will be used in macroscale laser technologies and photonic integrated circuit devices. Please find out more details about this research from the published article: B. S. Moon, H. E. Kim and D. H. Kim, "Ultrafast Single-band Upconversion Luminescence in a Liquid-quenched Amorphous Matrix," Advanced Materials, 30, 1800008 (2018). (featured on the front cover)

    • No. 90
    • 2018-09-14
    • 3576
  • Effect of Autophagy Regulated by Innate Signals on Cancer Progression

    Medicine LEE, KI YOUNG Prof. ·Researcher MIN, YOON

    Effect of Autophagy Regulated by Innate Signals on Cancer Progression

    Prof. Ki Young LEE at School of Medicine published a research paper, "Inhibition of TRAF6 ubiquitin-ligase activity by PRDX1 leads to inhibition of NFKB activation and autophagy activation" in Autophagy, a highly prestigious journal (IF: 11.10). Autophagy is the natural, regulated mechanism used by cells to sequester, remove and recycle waste. Autophagy has roles in various cellular functions including nutrient starvation, infection, cellular repair mechanism, and programmed cell death, thereby functionally implicated in human diseases, such as cancer, infectious diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, liver diseases, diabetes. Pattern-recognition receptors (PRRs) are expressed by innate immune cells and recognize pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) as well as endogenous damage-associated molecular pattern (DAMP) molecules, and play a crucial role in the proper function of the innate immune system. Recent studies have demonstrated that autophagy is extensively linked to innate immune signaling pathways mediated by toll like receptors (TLRs), which are a class of PRRs. Nevertheless, studies on the regulatory mechanisms of autophagy controlled by innate signals on cancer progression have yet to be investigated. Therefore, the objective of this study was to explore biological and functional roles of autophagy controlled by innate signals on cancer progression. In this study, the researchers provided two insights into the pivotal regulation of peroxiredoxin 1 (PRDX1), which is well known as one of intracellular antioxidant proteins, in toll like receptor 4 (TLR4)-mediated signaling and autophagy activation. Through the cellular and molecular studies, the researchers propose that PRDX1 protein is critically implicated in cancer progression through regulation of innate signal and autophagy activation, and suggest that the current results will contribute to our understanding of cancer development and progression in the future researches on various cancers. Fig. 1. The functional role of PRDX1 in autophagy activation in PRDX1-knockdown innate immune macrophages Fig. 2. Cancer invasive ability in PRDX1- knockdown MDA-MB-231 human breast carcinoma cells and PRDX1- knockdown SK-HEP-1 human hepatic adenocarcinoma cells

    • No. 89
    • 2018-09-04
    • 3159
  • Development of semiconductor photoanode material for hydrogen gas production

    Advanced Materials Science and Engineering CHO, HYUNGKOUN Prof. ·Youngbeen Kim

    Development of semiconductor photoanode material for hydrogen gas production

    The article entitled “Electrochemical surface charge-inversion from semi-insulating Sb2Se3 photoanodes and abrupt photocurrent generation for water splitting” was published by Prof. Hyung Koun CHO and Youngbeen KIM (Integrated Ph. D program) at the Dept. of Energy & Environmental Science. Sb2Se3 with the 1.3 eV band-gap and native p-type characteristic is considered for the light harvester and absorption layer of the photovoltaic devices. However, the previous studies for PEC water splitting using pristine p-type Sb2Se3 have shown poor photocurrent and stability performances. Here, they found that the low PEC performance of the pristine Sb2Se3 is due to the energy band structure as a photocathode, so they designed new synthesis method to prepare n-type Sb2Se3 via controlling the origin of electrical conductivity. In this article, the study proposed the fabrication design of n-type Sb2Se3 photoanode with high photocurrent performance for photoelectrochemical water splitting cells at the first time based on the formation energy of the point defects determining the electrical conductivity. In particular, they electrochemically analyzed the origin of this explosive photocurrent generation and proposed the novel mechanisms using the typical capacitance concepts based on electrochemical analyses. As a result, the synthesized n-type Sb2Se3 exhibited the remarkable photocurrent density of 5 mA/cm2 from the photoanode for the first time.

    • No. 88
    • 2018-08-27
    • 2762
  • Zhuangzi : The Inner Chapters

    Journalism and Mass Communication KIM, JEONG TAK Prof.

    Zhuangzi : The Inner Chapters

    About this book In order to interpret the classics of East Asia, It needs to undergo five steps: 譯(translation), 注(pouring), 解(interpretation), 疏(communication), and 疏(discussion). 譯(Yeok) means the translation. However, just translating words are not enough to understand the classics of East Asia. Translation needs water as like we give water when rice planting. It makes writing alive. This is 注(Ju-pouring). 解(Hae) is interpretation. Even though the writing went through 譯 and 注, the sentences can still be very rough or tough. Therefore, interpretation is needed to figure out the right meaning of the writing, and this is 解. After 解, we need to find out what the content means to people today and this activity is called 疏. Lastly, Finally, The criticism should be done about this content and this is 疏(Non-discussion). These all five steps should be done to clarify the real meaning of the classics of East Asia. The Zhuangzi has 33 chapters, and it has been recognized for a long time that these chapters seem to fall into groups; within each group, the chapters share an intellectual outlook and certain textual features. However, only three groups are little different with other groups in their orientations. The first of these groups, chapters 1-7, forms the most coherent section of the text and many would argue that this is also the most philosophically interesting section as well. These are called the “Inner Chapters”; chapters 8-22 are called the “Outer Chapters”; “Inner Chapters” is consisted of “Free and Easy Wandering”, “Treatise on Making Things Equal”, “The Pivot of Nurturing Life”, “In the World of Man”, “The Mark of Utmost Virtue”, “The Prime Master”, and “In Response to High Kings”. “Free and Easy Wandering” is an introduction. “Treatise on Making Things Equal” is an theoretical base and the others are branches. Zhuangzi was carefully composed than any other hundred schools of philosophy books. It is the very important reason why we should take five steps before to understand. These sequences will lead reinterpretations of Zhuangzi.

    • No. 87
    • 2018-08-16
    • 2821
  • Polylactic Acid Blends: The Future of Green, Light and Tough

    Advanced Materials Science and Engineering KOTIBA, HAMAD Prof. ·Prof. JOO, JINHO

    Polylactic Acid Blends: The Future of Green, Light and Tough

    Prof. Kotiba HAMAD from School of Advanced Materials Science and Engineering published a review paper, “Polylactic acid blends: The future of green, light and tough”, in Progress in Polymer Science, a highly prestigious journal (IF: 24.558, Five years IF: 32.833). Polylactic acid (PLA) is a biobased product and biodegradable aliphatic polyester that has been studied for use in several applications over the last decade. Many properties of PLA, such as strength, stiffness, and gas permeability, have been found to be comparable to those of traditional petrochemical-based polymers. PLA-based materials, on the other hand, exhibit a number of limitations for specific applications, such as slow biodegradation rate, high cost, and low toughness. The frequent need for a modification of PLA by blending with other polymers to achieve suitable properties for its intended consumer and biomedical applications, accordingly, has demanded significant attention in the last decade (Fig. 1). This review is therefore designed to present a detailed overview of the preparation, characterization and applications of PLA blends and to provide information on the current status and future trends of these blends. Fig. 1. PLA polymer blend studies, as reported in Web of Science between 2007 and 2016. The review discussed the strategies used in processing and fabrication of PLA blends with biodegradable and non-biodegradable polymers. In addition, several concepts, such as structural, mechanical, rheological and thermal properties, biodegradability, and potentiality of these blends were outlined. The production of hierarchically porous materials using PLA blends for biomedical applications, such as tissue scaffolding was also introduced. The state of knowledge presented in this paper showed that the fabrication, properties and applications of PLA blends with biodegradable and non-biodegradable polymers will keep growing in the future. “This paper has been designed and presented to be a significant milestone in the future researches on PLA-based materials.” - Field of specialization: Advanced engineering materials - Publications:

    • No. 86
    • 2018-08-06
    • 4472
  • A research group of Prof. In Su KIM decorated the cover paper of JACS

    Pharmacy KIM, IN SU Prof.

    A research group of Prof. In Su KIM decorated the cover paper of JACS

    A research group of Prof. In Su KIM decorated the cover paper of JACS A research group led by Prof. In Su KIM, School of Pharmacy at Sungkyunkwan University, decorated the cover paper of ‘JACS (Journal of the American Chemical Society, IF: 13.858)’, which is the world's preeminent journal in chemistry, on the June. A research on artificial molecular computers that could mimic advanced functions in the cell signaling system is a global interest. The artificial computing systems perform various math functions based on electrical signals, but in vivo, their specific and advanced functions are realized through information processing of appropriate chemical signals. In particular, the cell signaling processes can communicate and synchronize each other in a precisely organized manner to implement their specific functions. As such, much effort has been devoted to developing artificial computing systems analogous to biological signaling processes. This research team first reports an artificial three-state molecular computer capable of performing advanced functions similar to those found in biological computing process. This was achieved by control of molecular recognition and three electronic states via ionic chemical stimuli. Especially, it was also demonstrated that the developed system conducted a cascade reaction for a high-valued organic chemical and functional polymer synthesis. It is also envisioned that artificial molecular computers mimicking the intravascular signaling system hold a great promise in developing smart drug delivery systems that would be used for early diagnosis and treatment of many important diseases. This research was supported by a Basic Research Laboratory (BRL) grant of the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Korean government (MSIP).

    • No. 85
    • 2018-07-28
    • 4160
  • Perovskite Solar Cells with Inorganic Electron & Hole Transport Layers Exhibit Long-Term Stability

    Energy Science SHIN, HYUN JUNG Prof.

    Perovskite Solar Cells with Inorganic Electron & Hole Transport Layers Exhibit Long-Term Stability

    Research groups from Sungkyunkwan University have recently reported that they developed highly stable perovskite solar cells under extreme environments by improving passivation techniques of perovskite solar cells. Perovskite is the name of a crystal structure, and for the perovskite solar cells, the materials refer to special compositional groups that have organic and inorganic halide ions. Perovskite solar cells have shown extremely rapid improvement of power conversion efficiency with low processing costs. However, the short-term lifetime of the device and the poor stability of the material under moisture, heat, light, and electrical biases remain to be overcome for commercialization. The architecture of the solar cells has inverted planar devices (so-called p-i-n devices; light illumination through hole transport layers) with FTO/NiO/Perovskite/PCBM/AZO/Ag. AZO has been deposited via atmoic layer deposition method, which produces pinhole-free, uniform, and dense films. The AZO-deposited perovskite solar cells exhibited similar performances to the control solar cells due to negligible charge transporting retardation by the 3 orders of magnitude higher conductivity of AZO compared to that of PCBM. The ALD-grown AZO (ALD-AZO) layers also acted as dense, uniform, and impermeable passivation layers that prevented ingress of water into the perovskite films, egress of the volatile components of perovskite when heated, and interfacial degradation between the perovskite-PCBM heterojunction and the Ag electrode caused by unfavorable chemical reactions. The authors found that the stability of perovskite solar cells with an AZO layer is superior to the control devices. While the control solar cells degraded rapidly under light illumination at room temperature in spite of an additional passivation layer, AZO-perovskite solar cells maintained 99.5% of their initial efficiency for 500 hours. The unique role of AZO, distinguished from additional passivating layers, is to prevent moisture penetration as well as interdiffusion at the perovskite/Ag interface when illuminated. These perovskite solar cells showed their stability in a more severe environment, exhibiting a power conversion efficiency of 18.45% and retaining 86.7% of their initial efficiency for 500 hours under continuous 1-sun illumination at 85°C in ambient air with electrical biases (at the maximum power point). This research on highly stable perovskite solar cells with inorganic charge transport layers has been published in Advanced Materials (IF 19.791) as an inside cover story by Prof. SHIN and Mr. SEO (Department of Energy Science) and Prof. PARK (School of Chemical Engineering) at Sungkyunkwan University. Published article: Seo, S., Jeong, S., Bae, C., Park, N.-G., and Shin, H., "Perovskite Solar Cells with Inorganic Electron- and Hole-Transport Layers Exhibiting Long-Term (≈500 h) Stability at 85°C under Continuous 1 Sun Illumination in Ambient Air.", Advanced Materials, 1801010 (2018).

    • No. 84
    • 2018-07-05
    • 3411
  • Identification of epigenetic gene regulation in the genome of marine seaweed by Prof. Hwan Su YOON

    Biological Sciences YOON, HWAN SU Prof.

    Identification of epigenetic gene regulation in the genome of marine seaweed by Prof. Hwan Su YOON

    After completing the first human draft genome by the Human Genome Project (HGP) in 2003, many genome projects were initiated in the field of medicine and natural science. A genome is the total set of genetic information including all the genes of a living organism; therefore, if it is completely decoded, it will provide a lot of information about the function of the genes as well as the evolutionary relationship of living organisms. Recently, "Collaborative Genome Projects" have been launched by multiple ministries, and the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries aims to decode genomes from 100 marine organisms. Professor Hwan Su YOON and his research group in the Department of Biological Sciences are leading the analysis of 30 marine algal genomes, including diverse seaweeds. As the first product, they completed the whole genome of Gracilariopsis chorda and published in "Molecular Biology and Evolution" (5 years IF 14.558). It is the second complete nuclear genome among approximately 7,000 red algal seaweed species. G. chorda is a popular edible seaweed for diet foods and salads, and it is also used in the agar production industry. From this paper, they generated a high-quality 92.1 Mb draft genome assembly from the red seaweed G. chorda, including methylation and small (s)RNA data. They analyzed these as well as other Archaeplastida genomes to address three questions: 1) What is the role of repeats and transposable elements (TEs) in the genome size variation of red algae, 2) what is the history of genome duplication and gene family expansion/reduction in these taxa, and 3) is there any evidence for TE suppression in the genome of red algae? See the details at the MBE journal website ( Furthermore, Prof. YOON’s group has utilized the genome information to the application field. For example, the carbonic anhydrase of G. chorda shows much higher activities than that of humans. The carbonic anhydrase catalyzes the rapid interconversion of carbon dioxide and water to bicarbonate and protons (or vice versa); therefore, it could be used to remove carbon dioxide from polluted gases (collaborative research with Prof. Inhwan HWANG at POSTECH). In addition, with Prof. Jong Hwan KWAK in the department of Pharmacology, they found highly effective metabolic compounds for alleviating diabetes and arteriosclerosis from G. chorda. In this manner, the genomic information from marine algae is a valuable resource not only for academic but also industrial purposes. See Prof. YOON’s other research activities (

    • No. 83
    • 2018-07-05
    • 2760