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[General] 2018 Spring Semester LOA, Reinstatement, Readmission Application Notification 최종 수정일 : 2018.01.08
게시글 내용
[International Students] 
2018 Spring Semester Leave Of Absence, Reinstatement, Readmission Application Notification  

1. Leave of Absence (LOA) 

A. (Before enrollment) Regular Leave of Absence
- Application Period: 2018.1.29.(Mon) 10:00 ~ 3.9.(Fri) 23:00  
- Application Process: 
	① Visit the Office of International Student Services (OISS) and fill in the LOA consultation form.
	② Get the OISS staff's signature on the LOA consultation form.
	③ Visit the administrative office of your college and file a LOA request that will be submitted together with the LOA consultation form.

* If the student is unable to visit the university because he/she is overseas, please contact us via e-mail. 
  (Humanities and Social Sciences Campus) daunkim@skku.edu/02-760-0022
  (Natural Science Campus) imempark@skku.edu/031-290-5025
* The students are not required to pay the tuition fee during the LOA period.
  Students may deposit the tuition fee after reinstatement (re-entry). 
* In the case of overdue items at library the LOA option is not available. Only after the student covers all overdue fines and returns the books to the library he/she becomes eligible for LOA. 
* A student can leave up to 2 semesters at a time.
* Course registration is cancelled after approval of LOA, so students are advised to consider carefully before making the decision.

B. (After enrollment) Regular Leave of Absence during semester
- Application Period: 2018.3.12.(Mon) ~ 5.24(Thurs) 
- Application Process: 
	① Visit the Office of International Student Services (OISS) and fill in the LOA consultation form.
	② Get the OISS staff's signature on the LOA consultation form.
	③ Visit the administrative office of your college and file a LOA request that will be submitted together with the LOA consultation form.

* If the student is unable to visit the university because he/she is overseas, please contact us via e-mail. 
  (Humanities and Social Sciences Campus) daunkim@skku.edu/02-760-0022
  (Natural Science Campus) imempark@skku.edu/031-290-5025
* LOA requests are not allowed for freshmen/transfer students or readmitted students during first semesters. (Exceptions may be approved only for serious medical reasons. Students need to submit the proof certified by a legitimate medical practitioner at a 3rd tier medical institution proving that the student is unable to continue study or attend class more than 4 weeks)
* Students who paid the full tuition fee are eligible for LOA request. Students who have left part of tuition fee are eligible for LOA provided they deposit the rest amount of tuition fee.
* The paid tuition fee can be refunded and the refundable amount may vary depending on institution regulations and application date.

C. Special Leave of Absence (Pregnancy, Childbirth, Infant Care)
- Application Period: 2018.2.1.(Thurs) ~ May, 2018
- Application Process: 
① Visit the Office of International Student Services (OISS) and fill in the LOA consultation form.
② Get the OISS staff's signature on the LOA consultation form.
③ Visit the administrative office of your college and file a LOA request that will be submitted together with the LOA consultation form.
- Application documents: 1 copy of medical certificate or family relation certificate  
* A student can apply for 1 year (2 semesters) at a time, up to 2 times (4 semesters) in total. 
* This period is not considered part of Regular LOA.
* Paid tuition can be carried forward to the semester of re-entry when a registered student files for a maternity LOA during semester.

D. Business Start-up LOA
- Application Period: 2018.2.1.(Thurs) ~ May, 2018
- Application Process: 
	① Visit the Office of International Student Services (OISS) and fill in the LOA consultation form.
	② Get the OISS staff's signature on the LOA consultation form.
	③ Visit the Research and Business Foundation (Natural Science Campus, Research and Business Center, office 85245), submit the related documents and business proposal, and prepare for an interview. 
- Application documents: copies of LOA application forms (available at Research and Business Center), business proposal, activity plan and other documents that certify business activity.
* A student can apply for 1 semester at a time, up to 4 semesters in total.
* This period is not considered part of Regular LOA. 
* After tuition payment the LOA application is not available. 
* Inquiries: Research and Business Foundation, Joo Sang-Ha (031-290-5404)  

E. Result Notification of LOA Application 
GLS > Application/Graduation Requirements Management > Application for Leave of Absence/Return > Check-up the Application Status for Leave of Absence/Return

2. Reinstatement (Re-entry)
- Application Period: 2018.1.22(Mon) 10:00 ~ 2.2.(Fri) 23:00 
- Application Process: 
① GLS>Application/Graduation Requirements Management>Application for Leave of Absence/Return ② Submit the following documents to International Office of Student Services (OISS)
   →[Attachment]Personal Information Collection․ Use Concent Form*,
     [Attachment]Certificate of Admission form, 
     Health Insurance Registration Certificate**, Color Copy of Passport, 
     Color Copy of Alien Registration Card (card holders only)
* Personal Information Collection․ Use Concent Form: Sign the agreement taking into consideration the option of applying for health insurance at SKKU along with the tuition fee;
** Health Insurance Registration Certificate: Submit the Insurance Certificate when you do not apply for health insurance at SKKU. Otherwise you must submit additionally the Insurance Registration Confirmation provided you are depositing the health insurance fee at SKKU along with tuition fee.

*Applying through E-mail
  ① Scan all documents with jpg or pdf files
    ※ Document Title needs to be like following: Student ID No._Name_Name of document         ex) 20170000000_John Smith_Health Insurance
  ② Email to the visa@skku.edu
    ※ Email Title needs to be like following: [Reinstatement]Student ID No._Name 
       ex) [Reinstatement]C00000001_John Smith
  ③ Please write the address(In English), zip code, phone  number and name 
     of addressee  where you will receive the certificate 
  ① Requests will be processed in the order in which they were received
  ② Documents would not be accepted if student do not abide by submission rules
  ③ Confirmation email will be sent after submission is made

* A student whose LAO semester(s) expires needs to apply for re-entry during the re-entry application period. (Non-registering for re-entry may end in expulsion of student) 
* Freshmen who are assigned to specific major in the second year cannot apply for 1 semester LOA in their 2nd semester of study, since he/she is required to take 2 consecutive semesters for major placement process. (1 year LOA is possible.)
* After Re-entry application students are allowed to register for courses.
* After reinstatement approval students must complete course registration and tuition payment in due time according to the academic schedule. 
* In the case of military service LOA, students must submit the copy of military discharge certificate at the administration office of affiliated college. 

3. Readmission

- Application Period: 2018.1.22(Mon) ~ 1.26(Fri) 17:00
- Application Process: Visit and apply at the administration office of affiliated college (bring the Alien Registration Card).
* After readmission the LOA option is not available during the first semester.



1. 休学 

一、(缴纳学费之前) 一般休学 
○ 申请时间: 2018.1.29(星期一) 10:00 ~ 3.9(星期五) 23:00截止 
○ 申请流程:	① 填写"休学咨询表(휴학상담서)"(可以访问外国留学生支援部进行填写)
			② 向外国留学生支援部负责老师提交"休学咨询表"并得到老师签字
			③ 访问学科所在的学院行政室,提交休学咨询表并进行休学申请

* 由于申请人在国外不能访问外国留学生支援部时,请致电外国留学生支援部进行咨询。
  (人文社会科学校区) oisshs@skku.edu/02-760-0024
  (自然科学校区) oissns@skku.edu/031-290-5026~7
* 休学学期不能缴纳当期学费,复学时缴纳学费即可。
* 从图书馆借出的图书中还有图书未归还时,不得申请休学(图书返还后可以申请休学)。
* 一次可以申请的休学期限不得超过两个学期。
* 休学申请一旦被受理,所有的选课内容将被清空并且不得撤销。因此,有申请休学意向的同学请慎重考虑并作出决定。

二、学期中的一般休学 (缴纳当期学费后) 
○ 申请时间: 2018.3.12.(星期一) ~ 5.24(星期四) 
○ 申请流程: 	① 填写"休学咨询表(휴학상담서)"(可以访问外国留学生支援部进行填写)
			② 向外国留学生支援部负责老师提交"休学咨询表"并得到老师签字
			③ 访问学科所在的学院行政室,提交休学申请表并进行休学申请

* 由于申请人在国外不能访问外国留学生支援部时,请致电外国留学生支援部进行咨询。
  (人文社会科学校区) oisshs@skku.edu/02-760-0024
  (自然科学校区) oissns@skku.edu/031-290-5026~7
* 新生/插班生以及再入学生在第一学期不能申请一般休学。因为疾病原因而需要申请一般休学的情况除外。(需向所属学科提交由3级以上的医疗机构出具的诊疗时间在4周以上的诊断书)
* 学期中休学只有已经缴纳学费全额的学生可以申请,申请学费分期付款的学生必须先交纳全部学费后才可申请。
* 根据学校的规章制度,将扣除已经发生的费用后返还剩余学费。 

○ 申请时间: 2018.2.1.(星期四) ~ 5月
○ 申请流程:	① 填写"休学咨询表(휴학상담서)"(可以访问外国留学生支援部进行填写)
			② 向外国留学生支援部负责老师提交"休学咨询表"并得到老师签字
			③ 访问学科所在的学院行政室,提交休学申请表并进行休学申请
○ 所需材料: 诊断书及亲属关系证明各 1 份
* 每次申请的休学期限不得超过两个学期,合计最多可以申请4个学期。
* 因妊娠/分娩/育儿原因休学的情况,不包括在一般休学范围内。
* 已经缴纳学费后在学期中因妊娠分娩而申请休学后再复学时,不需要缴纳复学学期学费。

○ 申请时间: 2018.2.1(星期四) ~ 5月
○ 申请流程:	① 填写"休学咨询表(휴학상담서)"(可以访问外国留学生支援部进行填写)
			② 向外国留学生支援部负责老师提交"休学咨询表"并得到老师签字
			③ 向产学合作团(自然科学校区产学合作中心85245)提交材料后并进行面谈
○ 所需材料: 休学申请表(也可在产学合作团进行填写), 项目计划书, 活动计划书以及其它创业活动的证明材料各1份 

* 每次只能申请休学一个学期,最多可以申请4个学期。 
* 创业休学不包括在一般休学范围内。 
* 缴纳学费后不能申请创业休学。
* 咨询: 产学合作团 JU, SANG HA(031-290-5404) 


2. 复学(一般复学, 阁学期复学) 以及申请标准入学许可书

○ 申请时间: 2018.1.22(星期一) 10:00 ~2.2(星期五) 23:00截止
○ 申请流程: 	① GLS> 신청자격관리(申请资格管理)> 휴복학신청(休复学申请) 
			② 向外国留学生支援部提交以下材料
			 → [附件]个人信息收集提供同意书*、[附件]标准入学许可书申请表, 
                  保险加入证明材料**, 护照彩色复印件, 外国人登录证彩色复印件

E-mail 申请
  ① 全体材料以jpg或pdf格式准备
    ※ 材料个别扫描后,文件名必须是以下形式保存(请用韩文或英文)       예) 20170000000_홍길동_보험서류
  ② 扫描件发送至 visa@skku.edu
    ※ [复学]学号_韩文或英文姓名   예) [복학]20170000000_홍길동
  ③ E-mail内容中务必记载以下内容

▪ 注意事项
  ① 标准入学许可书受理完毕后依次发送
  ② 未遵守上述提交方式时不可受理
  ③ 受理完毕后将发送确认邮件
* 标准入学许可书申请: 访问或E-mail申请

* 休学时间截止后,系统不会自动变更为复学,必须由学生本人进行复学申请。(在规定时间内未完成复学申请时,将会被开除学籍) 
* 第一学年处在人文科系和社会科系的学生,只有按第一学期, 第二学期此顺序完成第一学年的学习后才能在二学年'学科进入',所以在人文科系和社会科系的学生在第一学年第二学期休学时,不能只申请休学一个学期。
* 只有在完成复学申请后才可以进行选课。
* 复学申请被成功受理后,学生本人需要在学校规定的时间内进行选课和缴纳学费。

3. 再入学 

○ 申请时间: 2018.1.22(星期一) ~ 1.26(星期五) 17:00截止
○ 申请方法: 访问学科所在的学院行政室申请 (携带身份证) 
* 申请再入学后的第一个学期不能申请休学。 

4. 休学/复学申请结果确认

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