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[General] Seoul Global Internship Recruitment Notice 최종 수정일 : 2017.11.27
게시글 내용
Seoul City Hall Notices The 21st Seoul Global Internship Recruitment 

□ Internship Overview
  ❍ Period : 2018.1.2(Tue.) ~ 2018.2.21(Wed.) (8 weeks total, 35 days)
  ❍ Number of Recruits : 30 people
  ❍ Current Openings : Refer to the attached document (application form) 
  ❍ Eligibility
    - Foreign undergraduate or graduate students enrolled in universities located  
       in Seoul(exchange students are also eligible to apply)
    - Period of sojourn(visa) must be valid until February 21st 2018
  ❍ Working Hours : Mon.~Fri. from 09:00 to 16:00 (1hr. lunch break)
  ❍ Wage (including stipend for transportation, food, etc.) : 45,180 won per day
  ❍ Major Events : Orientation(1.2), Meeting(1.12), Meeting(1.19), Seoul Field Trip(1.26), Volunteer Activity(2.2), Meeting(2.9), Closing Ceremony(2.21), etc.  
     ※The above schedule is subject to change

 □ Application and Selection Guide
  ❍ Document Screening
    - Application Deadline : 2017.12.3(Sun.) 18:00
    - Required Documents
     ∙ Application 1(required), Application 2(required), Certificate of Enrollment(required), Academic Transcript from Current University(required), TOPIK score(optional)
    - How to Submit : Email submission of electronic files(hwp, doc, xls)
    - Where to Submit : global_intern@seoul.go.kr
    - Screening Criteria : GPA, TOPIK score, etc.
    - First Round Result Announcement : 2017.12.7(Thu.) 18:00 by email and mobile message
  ❍ Interview
    - Period : 2017.12.11(Mon.) ~ 2017.12.15(Fri.)
    - Process : Selected candidates will each visit the respective divisions(depts) on a scheduled day
  ❍ Final Result Announcement : 2017.12.21(Thu.) 18:00 (by email and mobile message)

※ Applicants that have passed the final round will be informed individually by email and mobile message. Interns may not be selected if there are no applicants qualified for a specific division or dept. For further information, send all inquiries to the Seoul Metropolitan Government, Multiculturalism Division at 02-2133-5077.
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