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[General] Main Homepage Advisory Panel Recruitment 최종 수정일 : 2017.08.31
  • 소혜조
게시글 내용
We are recruiting an advisory panel to propose propose diverse opinions about the university’s main Korean/English homepage and actively participate in the operation of the homepage. 

Qualification for application: student, professor, alumni, employee of Sungkyunkwan University
Major activities: proposing diverse ideas and opinions about the university’s main homepage
                                (*Benefits: gift, etc.)
Application method: e-mail hyejo@skku.edu
                                 (*please download and complete the application form)
Application period: 2017.8.31 ~ 2017.9.7
InquiryInquiries: So Hyejo in the Planning/Promotion department
                                    → hyejo@skku.edu
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