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[General] [Freshmen/Returning Student]Alien Registration Card Application 최종 수정일 : 2017.03.07
  • 박상준
게시글 내용
Freshmen and students returning to SKKU can apply  for alien registration card to the office of international student services  on 7th, 8th March.

Pleae visit the office of international student services with your required documents below.

< Foreigner Registration>

Application for Alien Registration Card (ARC)
◾ Location : Office of International Student Services from the affiliated campus
           (Humanities and Social Sciences Campus) International Hall, 2nd Floor, 90212
           (Natural Sciences Campus) Engineering Building 2 (27) 27125
◾ Application Period : 2017. 3. 7(Tue) ~ 8(Wed), 10:00~11:30, 13:30~17:00

  ◾ Required Documents : Application form (Template #34), Passport-sized color photo (1 copy), color copy of Passport, color copy of Visa page, Certificate of Attendance, Proof of Residence (Certificate of Residence in Dormitory, Lease Contract, etc.)
  ◾ Fee : 30,000 Won (cash)
  ◾ Notice 
   ① Students must visit the immigration office to register their fingerprints during the period indicated by the officer in charge of international students.
   ② If the student leaves the country before receiving the ARC then the registration is canceled.
 ◾inquiry : 02-760-0024(Seoul) 031-290-5026(Suwon)
외국인등록 접수

◾ 접수처 : 소속 캠퍼스 외국인유학생지원팀
           (인문사회과학캠퍼스) 국제관 2층 90212호
           (자연과학캠퍼스) 제2공학관 27동 27125호

◾ 접수기간 : 2017. 3. 7(화) ~ 8(수), 10:00~11:30, 13:30~17:00

  ◾ 제출서류 : 통합신청서(제34호서식, 사진 부착), 여권 컬러 사본, VISA 컬러 사본, 재학증명서, 체류지입증서류(기숙사거주확인서, 임대차계약서 등)
  ◾ 수수료 : 현금 3만원
  ◾ 주의사항 
   ① 유학생 담당자가 별도 안내하는 기간에 출입국관리사무소에 방문하여 지문을 등록해야 합니다.
   ② 외국인등록번호 부여 이전에 출국할 경우 접수가 취소됩니다.
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