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[General] Undergraduate International Transfer Student Admissions for Spring 2017 최종 수정일 : 2016.10.10
게시글 내용
 2017학년도 1학기 학사과정 외국인 편입학 특별전형 온라인 접수 안내

 2017학년도 1학기 학사과정 외국인 편입학 특별전형
 Undergraduate International Transfer Student Admissions for Spring 2017
1. 일정 (招生日程 / Application Schedule)
원서접수 (入学申请 / Application Submission) : 2016. 9. 27 ~ 10. 19
서류제출 (材料提交 / Document Submission) : 2016. 9. 27 ~ 10. 19
합격자발표 (合格者发表 / Acceptance Notification) : 2016. 11. 11
등록 (缴纳学费 /Enrollment) : 2017. 1. 4 ~ 1. 11
2. 지원자격 (申请资格 / Admission Requirements)
부와 모가 모두 외국인인 외국인으로서, 서류 제출 마감일 기준으로 한국어능력시험(TOPIK) 4급 이상을 취득하였으며
국내·외 4년제 정규대학(본교 제외/방통대, 산업대 등 포함) 2학년 또는 4개 학기(계절학기 제외)이상 등록 및 졸업 및 수료(예정)자 (1년 2학기제 기준) 또는 국내·외 전문대학 졸업(예정)자
※ 단, 최소 65학점 이상 취득(예정)자
※ 해외소재 대학의 경우 학위취득학점의 1/2 이상 취득(예정)자 (3년제의 경우 학위취득학점의 2/3 이상 취득자)
※ 但是,最低需要已(预计)获得65学分以上
※ 在韩国境外大学 : 已取得(预计取得)学位取得学分的1/2以上学分(三年制院校 : 已取得(预计取得)学位取得学分的2/3以上学分 )
International students whose both parents are foreign national (Non-Korean nationality) and must have TOPIK (Test of Proficiency in Korean) level 4 or above
Applicants must meet one of the following conditions: 
1) Was enrolled in a 4-year university for more than 2 years or 4 semesters (excluding summer and winter terms) and has completed their sophomore year based on the specifications of the enrolled university and earned the required credits (minimum 65 credits)
※ For those who are enrolled in universities overseas who earned or are expecting to earn more than half of the required credits for degree conferral (Applicants enrolling in 3-year universities need more than two-thirds the required credits for degree conferral.)
2) Was enrolled in a 2~3 year community college, either internationally or domestically, and received or is expected to receive a degree
 ☞  온라인 원서접수 / 在线入学申请 / Online Application
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