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[General] Old Sunglyunkwan Tour for Intl. Students 최종 수정일 : 2015.09.16
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게시글 내용
This is the Office of International Affairs in the Natural Science Campus.

To promote a better understanding of our university, and gain insight into the history of our universtiy,  the Office of International Affairs has planned a tour for the Old Sungkyunkwan  (成均館) in the Humanities and Social Sciences Campus(Seoul) 

All students of the Natural Science Campus are welcomed to join the tour which will have 6 sessions starting from SEP. 21. Time schdule and sign-up information can be found in the attachment.

Please note that the schedule is subject to change in which case our office will be informing in advance of the changes.

For more infromation students can contact us by e-mail( intlans@skku.edu)

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