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[General] [Internship] International Affairs Office-Natural Science Campus 최종 수정일 : 2015.01.28
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게시글 내용
The Natural Sciences Campus of SKKU  seeks candidates for the International Affairs office Internship. Thoese who are interested in contributing to the internationalization of our university as well as improving their language skills and making friends are welcomed to apply.

Please check the schedule below before applying for the internship.
■ Workplace: International Office, Natural Sciences Campus (Engineering Building 2, 1st floor, 27126)
■ Working Hours: 09:00~17:30 (Mon~Fri)
■ Wage: 5,600 Won per hour
■ Number of Recruitment: 1 person
■ Eligibility
All applicants who can:
- be polite and courteous and communicate with confidence in English & Korean
- work for at least 6 months
- work Full-time (09:00~17:30) (Graduates Students are excluded/ Undergraduates who have classes are also eligible, pending class schedule review )

■ Work details
Assistance on:
> Duties pertaining to international affairs duties and events
- Answering inquiries and assisting in helping university life for foreign Degree seeking/Exchange students: VISA issue, etc.
- Assisting dormitory issues for foreign students
- Assisting in the promotion of international programs such as International Summer Semester (ISS)
- Protocol events for overseas visitors

■ Application procedures
1. Fill in the attached application form and send it to:  julia.kong@skku.edu
* File name: Change the file name into [Name.doc]  ex: Michael Jordan.doc
* E-mail title: Change the title into “[OIA_Application] Student Number Name”
ex: [OIA_Application] 2012000000 Michael Jordan

2. Schedule
- Submission Deadline: ~ 9th February 2015 (Mon)
- Interview: Scheduled for 10th February 2015 (Tue) (To be announced individually)
- First day of work: 16th February 2015 (Mon)~

* For more details, contact 031-290-5025. 
* Students who have shown outstanding performance will receive a certificate of completion at the end of their internship
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