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[Events] 2024 Student Success e-Portfolio Contest 최종 수정일 : 2024.09.02
게시글 내용
2024 Student Success e-Portfolio Contest

Reflect on Your College Life and Seize the Opportunity to Win Prizes!
The Student Success Center invites you to participate in the 2024 Student Success e-Portfolio Contest.
We are seeking e-portfolios that showcase various aspects of your college life, including academic achievements (course completion, credit management, etc.), extracurricular activities (both on and off campus), club participation, learning plans, and job preparation.
*An e-Portfolio (Electronic Portfolio) is an expanded concept of traditional paper-based portfolios, utilizing digital and web-based materials. It is increasingly used for educational planning and job preparation.

1. Schedule

1) Submission : 2024. 9. 9.(Mon) ~ 9. 27.(Fri)

2) Evaluation : 2024. 10. 2.(Wed) ~ 10. 21.(Mon)

3) Announcement of Winners : 2024. 10. 31.(Thu)

4) Award Ceremony : 2024. 11
Exact date will be announced later

**The above schedule is subject to change based on internal circumstances**

2. Topic

An e-Portfolio documenting your college life, including academic achievements (course completion, credit management, etc.), career plans, extracurricular activities (both on and off campus), and job preparation

※ Entries that are found to be falsified or plagiarized from others will be excluded from the evaluation process.

3. Evaluation

1) Evaluation Process: By judges (1st and 2nd Rounds)

2) Criteria: Organization of Content / Story Structure / Completeness / Self-Reflection / Use of Data(including images and data from the 'e-Portfolio' section in Challenge Square) etc.

※ Evaluation will be separated by academic years (1st-2nd year / 3rd-4th year)

※ Depending on the evaluation results, awards may not be given if no suitable candidates are found, and the number of awards may be adjusted accordingly

4. Eligibility

1) Current undergraduate students and students on leave of absence (excluding those who have completed their studies)

2) The e-Portfolio must be created using an e-portfolio platform(the account must be set to 'public'!!!)

※ Examples of e-Portfolio Platforms

Notion, Wix, Wordpress, Linkedin, Naver Modoo, creator link, Wanted etc.

3) Utilization of data images from the 'e-portfolio' menu in Challenge Square is required!!!

★★Video on How to Use e-Portfolio Data in Challenge Square(Click)★★

5. Awards and Benefits

1) Prize Money

-Best (2 winners): 1,000,000 KRW each (pre-tax)

-Excellent (2 winners): 700,000 KRW each (pre-tax)

-Encouragement (4 winners): 500,000 KRW each (pre-tax)

2) Student Success Center Director’s Award

3) Digital Badge

4) e-Portfolio Special Lecture Participation

(※The winners of the Best Award are required to participate as speakers in the e-Portfolio special lecture scheduled for the 2nd semester of 2024)

6. Application Process

1) Complete the Participant Application Form and Pledge from the attached file in the announcement(manual signature required)

2) GLS → Challenge Square → Extracurricular Programs → Course Registration → Search for "2024 학부 e-포트폴리오 공모전."

3) When applying through Challenge Square, attach the completed Participant Application Form and Pledge

※ Personal signature is required on the application form and pledge (signature image file can be inserted)
※ The e-Portfolio account must be set to 'public'; if it is set to private or partially visible, the e-Portfolio will not be accessible for review and will be excluded from the evaluation

7. Contact: 02-740-1768 (Mon~Fri 09:00~12:00, 13:00~17:30)

※ The information provided is subject to change based on internal circumstances. Any changes will be announced separately

2024 Student Success e-Portfolio Contest Poster
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