- 게시글 내용
Natural Sciences Campus group counseling and movie(Inside Out 2) event
To enjoy successful end of the first semester of 2024, Student Success Center would like to hold group counseling and event watching movie(Inside Out 2) at the Natural Science Campus as follows. If you participate in group counseling and orientation where you can summarize the first semester and meet new mates, we will provide movie ticket, popcorn and drink.
Time and location:
-Group Counseling : Friday, June 21, 2024, 1:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m., Room 51207, Building of General Studies, Natural Sciences Campus
- Watching Movie : 2024.6.21 (Friday) 3:30 PM, Suwon Station Lotte Cinema Inside Out 2
Please search with "movie" in Challenge Square board through QR code and submit with attached application form.
Application deadline: 2024.6.17 (Mon) ~ 19 (Wed), first-come-first-served basis
Contact: stusuccess@skku.edu, 02-740-1762