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[Academics] [Global Learning Platform] Special lecture by Prof. Peter Singer 최종 수정일 : 2022.11.28
  • 학부대학
게시글 내용
Global classes invited by professors from overseas prestigious universities have been held since this year to provide high-quality classes created by teachers from overseas prestigious universities to students to improve the level of education and establish a global learning platform.

1. Lecturer: Prof. Peter Singer
 - Distinguished chair professor at Sungkyunkwan University
 - The Ira W. DeCamp Professor of Bioethics at Princeton University
 - Author of <Animal Liberation>, <Practical Ethics>, <Ethics in the Real World>

2. Contents: "Animal Liberation Now"

3. Host: University College

4. Time and Place
 - Time: 2022. 11. 30.(Wed) 10:00~11:30(KST)
 - Place: Business Building Live Virtual Studio

5. Zoom
URL: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9630118811?pwd=UzM3WjNYS3pwMkdRSlV6c3IwbnNwQT09

Meeting ID: 963 011 8811
Passcode: 0993

6. Please turn On your Video and turn Off your Mic.

* If you have any further questions, please contact with University College(hakbu@skku.edu)
Peter Singer
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