SKKU Advanced Institute of Nanotechnology (SAINT)
HOMEPAGE SAINT was founded on March 1, 2005 as one of the core programs of Sungkyunkwan University's VISION 2010 strategic objective to be ranked in the top 100 universities in the world.
Considering the potential impact of nanotechnology on future economic growth, it is one of the top research priorities in many countries including Korea, because advanced countries need to exploit their future technology. SAINT will play a crucial role and generate cutting edge technology in the field of nanotechnology.

SAINT's mission is to educate and train students who will become leaders in the next generation of advanced global industry. To accomplish this, it has recruited world class researchers with well-equipped research facilities.
The institute's high quality tutoring system encourages students to excel in the field. The institute has made great strides in the field of nanotechnology, and is always on the lookout for motivated young graduate students who recognize the importance of its mission and goal. It also provides practical, hands-on education in the modern facilities of the Korea Advanced Nano Fab Center.
Global & Creative NT Frontrunners Leading Future Nanoscience and Technology
SAINT will be the main educational center for producing future creative global nanotechnology leaders. It plans to arrange educational programs to satisfy social needs for nano-science and technology and offer systematic educational programs focusing on nanotechnology related fundamental sciences and applied technologies. It also plans on organizing successful industry-academia co-organized programs to help spur a new industrial revolution through nanotechnology with Samsung
To be the Best Institutes in Korea and One of the World Top 5 in Nanotechnology.
To Be the Best Institute in Korea and One of the World Top 5 in Nanotechnology
In partnership with financial support from Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT), SAINT’s goal is to become one of the top five nanotechnology-related institutes in the world. To achieve its goal, SAINT developed an infrastructure, recruited the best researchers, networked through worldwide nanotechnology conferences, published an SCI-level journal, and established a graduate school dedicated to nanotechnology research and education.
Graduate School of Nanoscience and Technology