


Reenacting “Bangbangrye”, the traditional award ceremony 2019.05.22
  • 국제교류팀
  • Views : 9120
게시글 내용

On May 20th, SKKU reenacted the “bangbangrye” with a modern interpretation to commemorate coming-of-Age Day. Bangbangrye is a traditional award ceremony for the jangwon (first prize winner) of the "gwageo" exam held during the Chosun dynasty. Traditionally, the jangwon would bow toward the king and receive hongpae (red certificate) along with a eosahwa (royal paper flower).

The midterm exam of “Sungkyun Analects” course was taken in the traditional gwageo exam format. 2000 students in the “Sungkyun Analects” course took the exam at the end of April. Student were instructed to discuss about the duties of students based on the “Im-Joong-Do-Won” from the Analects.

SKKU evaluated the answers of over 2000 students and selected 33 students just like the gwageo exam (gap: 3 students, eul: 7 students, Byung: 23 students). The jangwon title was awarded to the top student from the gap class. After the award ceremony, awardees went around the campus with the eosahwa on their hats.

SKKU designated character education as mandatory courses for all students. “Sungkyun Analects” belongs to this category. All students must complete this course before graduation.

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